Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tamarind Paste

Courtesy of the BBC.

We couldn't find tamarind paste (= pulp) anywhere, so we made some.

  1. Purchase a some tamarind. Looks like a shrink-wrapped brick of prunes.
  2. Break the tamarind brick into pieces.
  3. Pour boiling water over the pieces. Use as little as needed to cover the tamarind.
  4. Leave over night if you have time.
  5. Pour the tamarind over a strainer with a bowl underneath.
  6. Mash the tamarind against the edges of the strainer for force the pulp through.
  7. The stuff that comes through the strainer, into the bowl is the paste.
  8. A lot of pulp will stick to the bottom of the strainer, so be sure to scrape it off before throwing out the fiber and seeds.

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