Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pizza Hut Pizza Dough

Pizza Hut Dough

1T sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/3 cup warm water
2 T veg oil for dough
4 cups flour
1/4 C non fat dry milk
1 package yeast
9 ounces veg oil for pans

Put yeast, sugar, salt and dry milk in large bowl.  Add water and stir to mix well.  Let sit for 2 minutes.  Add oil and stir again.  Add flour and stir.  Turn out on flat surface and knead 10 minutes.  Divide dough into 3 balls.  Oil pans on bottom. The recipe would have you use 3oz / pan. Its a lot. Just put a good layer in the bottom of the pan so the dough doesn't stick.  Roll dough out in circles and place in pans (dough doesn't need to come up the sides of the pans very much - or at all).  Cover with dish cloth and rise 1 1/2 hours. ( we skipped letting them raise and they turn out great).
Cook at 475 -- I think we cooked them about 13 minutes -- it's hard to tell when - I say overcook a little so that they are cooked through the middle.

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